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Vintage Cameo Wedding at Rossi Farms

  1. Julie says:

    WOW!!! What an amazing event, sorry we had to miss it. The photos are so beautiful, all of them, such a unique wedding and …THAT CAKE!!!! Thank you for sharing!

  2. Wendy Pottie says:

    Crystal thank you for everything you’ve done from the bridal shower to our wedding. Our guest keep making the comments Your photographer was amazing we were watching her we wish we had her for our wedding. Your very much loved over here on this side. As you can imagine I went through hundreds of websites picking apart everyone’s work and it came down to you being the final. Thank You Crystal Genes

  3. Jenn says:

    These came out great! Such a beautiful day!

  4. Harvey Smith says:

    Crystal; Thank you so much for allowing me to “shadow you” throughout the event and take photos although the positioning of the pics you took of the wedding party were amazing. Anna was so happy to be present to send her little brother off into a new life of happiness with Wendy.

    Harvey and Anna Smith

  5. Tracy says:

    What a beautiful wedding, there were not details missed. Between the gown changes, the hair styling, that lovely place settings with complementry china patterns, it was simply beautiful. Congratulations to the couple.

  6. Harvey Smith says:

    People you meet may forget what you said or what you did but not how you made them feel. Wendy, you made Anna and I feel so welcome for having travelled so far for this special event in your life.

  7. The perfect photographer for such a unique wedding. Everything was so beautifully decorated and the theme was well put together. The pics and video I have seen of the cake is really well done. Speaks highly of your skills with such a big cake and the not so perfect lighting.

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