Colorful Murals Around Portland

Here Are Some Places I'm Dying To Photograph People At

Be My Models!

If you love any of these spots, let me know!

Of course I would love to do a full regular session with you at one of these locations (or multiple locations!), but I'm also offering a limited quantity of FREE 10 minute sessions on weekdays (Monday-Thursday) for couples willing to model for me at one or 2 of these locations.  I am looking for fun couples to wear both fashionable and/or colorful outfits, as well as couples to wear their wedding attire.  Send me a message if you're interested!  Many of these murals are all next to each other, in the same general area, or within a few blocks of each other.

Central SE Portland

NE Portland | Alberta Arts Area

NE Portland | Fremont Area

NE Portland | N Lombard Area

NW Portland



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